What we belie­ve in


Our cli­ents are not cus­to­mers, they are our part­ners. We pro­fess in tail­o­red solu­ti­ons for your eco­no­mic, tax-rela­ted and legal tasks. Natu­ral­ly, we make sure to always pro­vi­de you with the latest infor­ma­ti­on and deve­lo­p­ments in our area of expertise.


We are one of the first com­pa­nies of cer­ti­fied accoun­tants to have recei­ved a cer­ti­fi­ca­te of par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the qua­li­ty assu­rance pro­ce­du­re accor­ding to Sec. 57 Ger­man Cer­ti­fied Accoun­tants Regu­la­ti­on (WPO). This cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on is being rene­wed in regu­lar inter­vals, the last rene­wal taking place in 2012. Bes­i­des being audi­ted our­sel­ves, we also pro­vi­de qua­li­ty audits to fel­low com­pa­nies. Our cli­ents can rely on our pro­fes­sio­na­lism and our adhe­rence to the hig­hest pro­fes­sio­nal standards.


We always try to con­sult with our busi­ness part­ners, their board of direc­tors and their employees in their local envi­ron­ment to ensu­re imme­dia­te con­ver­sa­ti­on and under­stan­ding. If on-site pre­sence hap­pens to be impos­si­ble, we use the latest tech­no­lo­gy for com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on and data pro­ces­sing to ensu­re an effi­ci­ent exe­cu­ti­on of neces­sa­ry actions.

On-time deli­very

Adhe­rence to sche­du­les is not only a legal neces­si­ty in our busi­ness but a mat­ter of per­so­nal honour for us. Our high­ly orga­ni­zed work pro­ces­ses and on-site con­sul­tancy in com­bi­na­ti­on with our tech­ni­cal set­up allows us to avo­id time-con­sum­ing redundancies.


One of our part­ners is a foun­ding mem­ber of the BAN e. V. (“Busi­ness Audit Net­work”, a co-ope­ra­ti­on of inde­pen­dent cer­ti­fied accoun­tants in Ger­ma­ny), with 100 mem­ber enter­pri­ses and more than 950 pro­fes­sio­nals at the moment. Due to our long-stan­ding, trus­ted rela­ti­onships with fel­low pro­fes­sio­nals, lawy­ers and cor­po­ra­te con­sul­tants, we are able to pro­vi­de com­pre­hen­si­ve and com­pe­tent con­sul­tancy not only on a natio­nal level but also for lar­ger orga­ni­sa­ti­ons in an inter­na­tio­nal environment.


Our asso­cia­tes have accu­mu­la­ted exten­si­ve and diver­se know­ledge in seve­ral are­as of exper­ti­se and are well-acquain­ted with the chal­lenges of medi­um-sized com­pa­nies and agri­cul­tu­ral enter­pri­ses. We speak the same lan­guage as our cli­ents. Our team con­sists of ambi­tious and dyna­mic col­le­agues, the same appli­es to our freelancers.