Hel­lo, from the NIE­HAUS­PART­NER Treu­hand team

We are the right place for your pro­fes­sio­nal deve­lo­p­ment! We are a modern and dyna­mic com­pa­ny that atta­ches gre­at importance to a good working atmo­sphe­re, inno­va­ti­on and pro­gress. Our pas­si­on is to pro­vi­de our cli­ents with com­pe­tent and relia­ble support.

In order to meet this requi­re­ment, we rely on good, com­mit­ted employees who we sup­port. It is the­r­e­fo­re a mat­ter of cour­se for us that our employees have all the neces­sa­ry know­ledge and under­go ongo­ing training.

We are a fami­ly-fri­end­ly com­pa­ny with fle­xi­ble working hours and home office that places a lot of trust in its employees and stands behind its employees, even when things get dif­fi­cult. We sup­port each other and actively offer our col­le­agues our help.

Our employees are team play­ers and we sup­port cohe­si­on. We orga­ni­ze excur­si­ons as part of an aspa­ra­gus din­ner, take part in the City­fest Thurs­day, com­ple­te 6 or 10 kilo­me­ter runs, meet up for the Christ­mas par­ty and much more. Have fun loo­king through the pic­tures & vide­os from the team on this page.

Beco­me a mem­ber of our dyna­mic team!


A gre­at team is like a well-stee­red canoe — ever­yo­ne brings their indi­vi­du­al skills to the table, but ever­yo­ne is paddling in the same direc­tion. This weekend we put asi­de the files and legal texts to move into a com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent ele­ment: water!